
Csukcsföld Oroszország legtávolabbi csücske, még a gulagokon is túl. Ott laknak a csukcsok, akik halásznak, vadásznak és sátorszerű lakokban laknak. Kétféle jaranga ismert, a téli és a nyári. A képen a nyári, könnyen felállítható típus látható, amelynek szerkezete (eredetileg) fából készült háromlábakból, gerendákból és szarufákból áll, ezeket összekötözik, és rénszarvasbőrrel borítják. Családok lakják.
A csukcs sátor is kétféle lehet. A másik állandóbb jellegű, s a tundrán készül. A megkívánt kör alaprajz kerületén cölöpöket rögzítenek a talajba és koszorúgerendázattal látják el. Középre nagy faoszlopot állítanak. A faoszlop és a koszorúgerendák között kúp alakot eredményező szarufákat rögzítenek körben. Az alaprajz külső peremén ezután gyeptéglábólfalat raknak a szilárdítás és a nagyobb légzárás kedvéért. Ezután a vázat leterítik rénszarvasbőrből összevarrt takaróval, s kötelekkel, szíjakkal az egészet rögzítik - ahogy Istvánfi tanár úr írja.
Ahogy a téli szállások közötti kapcsolat kimutatható a csukcsok, a korjákok, de akár az eszkimók és több észak-amerikai intián törzs esetében, úgy láthatók a rokonságok a nyári szállások esetében is. A csukcs jaranga, a számi vagy korják sátor, az indián tipi egész biztosan rokonok, de többé-kevésbé a különféle jurták is ide sorolhatók.
a jaranga
család a ház előtt
csukcsok kultúrája és építészete oroszul, több részben
mindent a csukcsokról
egy másik háztípus
a másik háztípushoz tartozó gyerek
egy vicces csukcs família
Csuk és Mak a Wang folyó verseiből
Jancsó Miklós
2 11b Chukchi (Siberian pen ne Chukotskiy)
Ihe Chukchi live in Northeast Asia in the Chukot-skiy autonomous area (okruq) of the Magadan region In terms of settlement and economic-cultural type they split into two groups the nomadic itindeer herdsmen of the tundia and the settled sea hunters of the coast and river-banks
In former times the tundra Chukchi were nom idic reindeer farmers Thev had no permanent setdements and lived in nomad camps using tents and a portable dwelling - yarariija or yaraiiy which IS a cvhndrical-conical, unlatticed frame dwelling I hose of the reindeer herdsmen were portable while those of the sea hunters were permanent Fhe frame consisted of vertical poles placed m a circle In the portable yaranga the poles formed a tripod bound together with thongs, while m the permanent yaratiija thev were fastened togethei in alternating pairs bv diagonal crosspieces The tops of the verncal uprights or tripod were fastened to horizontal poles in the form ofa hoop and to this were fastened the poles foi the conical roofing, criss-crossing one another In the permanent dwelling they rested on a central support either with the poles criss-crossing at the top or with the top ends of the three poles fast-ened together The poles formed a conical roof which was somenmes reinforced with a hoop supported on inclined poles Ihe top cone of the yaranga was sometimes shghtlv ofF-centre
The frame of the yaranga was covered with reindeei hides 01 walrus skins and in the summer with tarpaulin and was bound around on the outside with straps held down by stones.
A low wall of turf and stones was heaped round the lower part of the frame of the permanent yaranga at the base and around the entrance, which was sealed with a sheet of leather or a wooden door onl\ when there was a blizzard
Three or four fur inside-tents (polo^) divided the interior into separate box-like compartments to accommodate newly-wed couples or parents and children Heating w as bv seal-oil lamps used as stoves I he inside tents were held up with the help of rods on a horizontal bai lunning to the back wall There v\as an open fire in the cold front part of the yaranga
The settled Chukchi lived in a frame dwelling which was sometimes dug i-i 5 m (3-5 ft) into the ground 1 he frame v\as made of whalebone or the bones of othei marine creatures and was called a vallaran meaning home made from the jaws of the whale In plan it was roughh square with a circular base and a spherical roof made from whale ribs and covered with turf grass and earth 1 he f^ooi was strev\ n with bones In the centre there was an open hre on a stone hearth or a large seal-oil lamp There were laised plank beds round the walls with fur inside-tents and oil stoves for heating Close up against this the Chukchi built an ancillary structuic a kind of domestic entrance hall (cliottyijyii) fiom which an underground passage led into the dwelling I hcic wcic two ways into the dwelling one through the roof foi summer use and one by the tunnel-passage, forwintcrust In the 19th century this sort of dwelling could be anvthing up to 25 m x 15 m (82 ft x 50 ft) in area and house an entire extended faniih Later ones were smaller 4 3 m X 4 3 m (14 ft X 14 ft) A similar tvpe of dwelling was built out of driftwood I he frame comprised 4-16 poles at the corners, sides and centre
All these dwellings were still m use m the 1950-60S Now standardized prefabricated frame and panel houses are being built as well in the settlements iiid also for the families of the reindeer herdsmen who work under a svstem of industiial nomadicity Ihc) use fui tents instead of yaratiija in the winter and tarp uilin ones in summer
In the summer the settled ( luikchi live in square pole-framed stiuetuics with a monopiteh roof covered with reindeer skins I he frame is made using three high coiner-poles with a central pole in the front will and three shoi ter poles in the rear wall tntry IS by folding back the covering.
Chukchi Yaranga_szov840_41.txt
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